[ Best SEO Link Building Techniques | SEO Agency in Dubai, Abu Dhabi
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Best SEO Link Building Techniques

Best SEO Link Building Techniques

Do you want to be at the top of search engine results? High-quality links are one of the most important ranking factors, so don't overlook them. According to Google, after content, link building is the second most important factor for higher rankings. It will be extremely difficult for you to achieve the top spot-on Google's SERP result if you do not have enough links. You can use SEO link building techniques to help you build strong links.

In addition to being a ranking factor, links pass value from popular pages to lower-ranking pages, extending their reach and visibility. Link building for SEO is not easy; you must use specific techniques and strategies to create useful and high-authority links. But it begs the question: do you really know everything there is to know about link building?

Without backlinks, no website can rank. Backlinks improve the website's relevance, value, and trustworthiness. These inbound backlinks are not to be confused with outbound links. Inbound backlinks connect pages on the same website, whereas outbound backlinks connect your website to other websites. Even Google finds you through the links on your website, so it's important to use the best SEO link building techniques.

Here are the best SEO link building techniques you must follow

Every link-building strategy improves your website's search engine rankings and traffic. Backlinks on your website assist Google crawlers in navigating your site and indexing all of the pages.

Backlinks and link reclamation from your mentions

This is the simplest method for obtaining backlinks for your website. Many brands simply mention the name of your website or brand without including a link. This is very common nowadays, and you've probably seen the name of a different website on another website without a mention.

For example, someone mentioned DoFort as the best SEO agency in Dubai but did not provide a backlink. Here you will have the opportunity to obtain links simply by mentioning your website. Now comes the question of how to approach them about providing you with a backlink. There are generally two ways to request that your mention be converted into a backlink. You can use Google Search Console to request that your mention or brand name be converted into a backlink. It's also referred to as link reclamation. The second option is to contact them directly via message or email and persuade them to turn the unlinked mention into a backlink.

Attractive infographics

One of the most effective ways to build links is to include attractive, creative, and valuable images, infographics, graphs, and slides. People frequently find you by searching for your images or infographics in Google Images. They may even go to the image's webpage to learn more about the subject. As a result, make high-quality images with strong headlines and good colour contrast, and include appropriate alt text. This allows Google to index your images and drive traffic to them. Furthermore, good images will be used on other people's websites. To get a relevant backlink, find them and ask them to link the image to your website. The infographics can be sent separately to the infographics site for a backlink.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is another excellent way to build links. There are numerous websites that will accept your guest posts in exchange for a backlink. Many websites have a write for us option where you can contact them directly to request a guest post. All you have to do is tell them what topics you excel at and give them a list of them. They can ask you to write on any topic they want and send the link to them. They will link to your content from their website, giving you a good backlink. Approaching high-authority websites is highly recommended because it boosts the value and reputation of your website.

Link building on a question-and-answer platform

On the search engine, there are numerous question and answer platforms that allow you to respond to general questions from users. You can quickly search for a question and respond with a relevant answer and a link to your website. Never directly add your link to a question. Provide the person who is asking for information with relevant and useful information, and then include a link. The user who is reading it has the option of clicking on the link and visiting your website to learn more. Quora is one of the most popular question-and-answer social platform. It allows random people to ask questions, which are then answered by random people. This will drive more traffic to your website.

For example- imagine you have an SEO agency in Dubai. Someone asked a question which is the best SEO agency in Dubai. You can give them a relevant and right answer and mention your website’s page link relating to the question and answer.

Sharing on social media

Social media is the most popular SEO link-building technique. Which is widely used to obtain backlinks, to reach a larger audience, you can directly share valuable posts, images, videos, links, content, and so on your social media pages. You can easily get backlinks and drive traffic using social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Another way to obtain high-quality backlinks is through social bookmarking. Maintain a strong presence on sites such as Pinterest, Tumbler, Reddit, Mix, Medium, and others to reach out to a niche audience and share your content.


Backlinks plays an important role in the search engine ranking if it is done correctly in a systematic way. The best SEO agency can help you to create the right backlinks for your website and rank your website higher on the related search engine query. DoFort is the best best SEO agency in Dubai. with the proven results. Contact DoFort if you have any question regarding SEO and Backlinks.


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