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Key criteria for choosing the ideal Accounting Software

Accounting Software vs. ERP Software

The procurement, marketing and sales, logistics, manufacturing, human capital, warehousing, and other departments of a corporation are all integrated and automated using enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Accounting is a component of the elements that make up ERP software. Accounting operations are automated using the accounting module. Accounting, however, is a crucial component of ERP software. As a result of the fact that every business transaction will have an effect on the company's finances, ERP software cannot function without the "accounting module." However, an accounting element can operate independently, documenting simply the financial aspects of all transactions, in which case it is referred to as “accounting software." Now that we know the differences between accounting software & ERP software, we can see how closely they are connected. And we can also determine the factors which are to be considered while choosing the Accounting software.

Is Accounting Software Required for Small Businesses?

It's a prevalent fallacy that accounting systems are only necessary for large businesses. All organizations actually require accounting software solutions. Accounting system for small firms makes tax filing and reporting easier, and it improves customer relations by generating bills and invoices quickly and accurately. Additionally, accounting software for small enterprises supports business expansion by boosting productivity and maintaining a healthy balance between Accounts Receivables and Payables Numerous suppliers offer ERP and accounting software for small firms because they are aware of their true demands.

Determining whether to employ on-premises or cloud accounting software

It can be difficult to decide which sort of ERP to use. With on-premise solutions, your company pays for the licensing fee, owns the hardware, and hosts the software on site at the workplace.

On the other hand, with cloud systems, you simply pay a subscription price for the service software that is being used (SaaS). Even if each has advantages of its own, the world is gradually going to the cloud nowadays days. First off, using cloud accounting software results in much cheaper upfront expenses for buying software licenses and associated infrastructure. The best financial software for smaller firms is therefore found on the cloud. Second, it may be accessed at any time, from anywhere around the world.

Additionally, the cloud operates more quickly and releases new feature updates more frequently. Another aspect of cloud accounting software that attracts organizations is its ease of upkeep. The software provider is responsible for performing updates and maintenance for cloud-based applications.

Due to the greater customization options offered by on-premise systems, some businesses continue to favor them over cloud accounting software. Some companies' traditional process flows can't be accommodated by the cloud. More common solutions are available with cloud accounting software. With a private cloud platform, customization in the cloud is still feasible. Another issue people have with cloud solutions is data security. Although data that is stored on-premise at a company's offices is safe, it should be highlighted that cloud vendors also offer high-level data security

Key criteria for choosing the ideal accounting software

The UAE offers a wide range of choices as an international market. The answers to the following questions will help you choose the best accounting software in the UAE, or any other country.

Is the software customizable?
Can the software handle different currencies?
Is it simple to integrate the software with other programs?>
Does the software provider have enough market experience?
Is the software simple to learn and use?
Can it handle multiple costing systems?
The software can it be scaled?


For the past nine years, DoFort has served the UAE market. And presently, we offer complete ERP solutions to a majority of our long-standing clients. DoFort, which has the most functionality and the simplest UI, is recognized as the top ERP and Accounting Software in the UAE.

To learn more about digitizing your company procedures, reach us or comment below to schedule a demo right away. We are assured that we can be your reliable and inspiring partner in elevating your company to perfection.

Get in touch with one of our specialists as right away to learn more about our ERP Systems , CRM and Services!


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