Marketing Channels to Consider for Your Small Business

Digital Marketing Channels to Consider for Your Small Business

There are numerous marketing channels available to your small business. We break down the various marketing channels available to ensure the success of your campaign.

"There are only two things in a business that make money — innovation and marketing," said Peter Drucker, also known as the founder of modern management. This guide will go over major marketing distribution channels and how to use them to your advantage.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

According to HubSpot, 62 percent of consumers use a search engine to learn more about a new business, product, or service, while 41 percent use a search engine to make a purchase decision. Add to that the fact that trillions of Google searches are performed each year, and it's clear that search engines remain the preferred method for locating information online. Search engine optimization is the process of increasing the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs) for a specific term or keyword. This makes your content visible and easy to find for those searching for the term or something like it. Because you are not paying for SEO, you receive "organic" website traffic from search engines.

Tips on SEO

Understand keyword optimization - Keywords are the foundation of SEO. To drive targeted search engine traffic to your website, you must conduct keyword research and selection. Make use of keyword optimization tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, and Google Keyword Planner.

Keep your content up to date - Your website will not be able to achieve its SEO goals unless it has high-quality content. You'll need content to incorporate the keywords you've painstakingly researched, as well as to generate backlinks for your website. However, simply having content is insufficient. Visitors expect new and updated content to assist them in making decisions right away. Furthermore, search bots are constantly crawling the web to add new pages to their search databases (a process known as indexing). The more useful your content, the more likely people are to share it. The more shares you have, the more likely search engines will think your website is important, and your search rankings will rise.

Make your website mobile friendly - People are spending more time on their mobile devices, and mobile optimization ensures that your site's design, structure, and speed are mobile-friendly. Google also has a mobile-first indexing policy, which means that the mobile version of your content is primarily used for indexing and ranking. So, for the best results, optimise your site for mobile.

Content marketing

It's a big marketing no-no to bombard existing and prospective customers with "buy" messages when they're not ready. They will not only avoid you like the plague, believing that all you care about is the sale, but they will also likely tell their family and friends about the experience. This will result in negative word of mouth (more on this marketing channel later) and, as a result, a negative reputation. Content marketing is a strategy that focuses on consistently creating and distributing valuable content – blog posts, videos, infographics, eBooks, case studies, interviews, white papers, and so on – to attract a specific market segment. The goal of content marketing is to drive leads or customers to take a profitable action for your company.

Tips for content marketing

Content marketing is a long-term endeavour. It takes time to gain authority or trust. You will become the go-to expert in your field if you consistently provide valuable, highly shareable content. You can use content to reach out to leads and customers, address their concerns and pain points, and help them get to know, trust, and like you. As a result, when they're ready to buy, you'll be the first company they think of.

It is not an independent marketing distribution strategy. Other types of marketing are driven by content marketing. As a result, it should be integrated into your overall small business marketing strategy and used in tandem with other digital marketing channels. For example, in order for SEO to work, you must have high-quality content that incorporates your keywords. Gated content (access to which requires your reader to provide their email address) aids in lead generation, whereas social media marketing expands the reach of high-quality content.

Email marketing

According to market research, the number of email users worldwide will exceed 4.3 billion by the end of 2023. This is reasonable. How many people do you know who don't have an email address? Isn't there a small number? Because of the widespread use of email, email marketing is a powerful way to engage with people who have expressed interest in your product, service, website, or brand. Email marketing makes use of email to build relationships with current and potential customers. It's a channel that's frequently used for brand building, keeping customers informed, and delivering marketing messages that are tailored to recipients' needs based on where they are in the buying journey.

Tips for Email marketing

Make your own lists. Consent is critical to the success of email marketing. In fact, some countries require subscribers to explicitly consent to receiving email marketing messages from businesses. Furthermore, it is the only way to ensure that your subscribers are truly interested in receiving newsletters or promotional offers from your company. Think twice before purchasing ready-made email lists from shady sources. You do not want to be labelled as a spammer. Aside from the reputational damage, you may be barred from sending emails.

Make your campaigns and messages unique. Don't send out random messages to people on your mailing lists. Your unsubscribe rates will only rise as a result. Instead, keep your lists clean by "scrubbing" them on a regular basis. Segment your lists properly so you know what types of emails to send to which segments on your list. Account-based marketing requires a high level of personalization.


These are channels you can use to achieve your intensive distribution goals. There are others. To be successful, you don't have to use every marketing channel imaginable. In fact, doing so will almost certainly result in failure. Instead, evaluate each channel you're currently using and then add or subtract based on the results. Finally, you should only keep the channels that provide the highest return on investment. DoFort is a best digital marketing agency, connect our digital marketing experts to know more.


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