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Marketing Channels to Consider for Your Small Business

Digital Marketing Channels to Consider for Your Small Business

Your small business has access to a wide range of marketing channels. We analyze the different options to help guarantee the effectiveness of your campaign.

Peter Drucker, the founder of modern management, once stated that innovation and marketing are the only two things in a business that make money. This guide will cover the main marketing distribution channels and how you can leverage them to benefit your business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

HubSpot reports that a majority of consumers turn to search engines to research new businesses, products, or services, with a significant percentage also using search engines to finalize their purchase decisions. With the sheer volume of Google searches conducted annually, it's evident that search engines continue to be the go-to source for online information. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can enhance its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or terms, making your content easily discoverable for those seeking relevant information. Through SEO efforts, you can attract organic website traffic without having to pay for it.

Tips on SEO

Master keyword optimization - Keywords are the backbone of SEO. To attract specific search engine traffic to your site, you need to carry out keyword research and selection. Take advantage of keyword optimization tools such as Google Search Console, Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, and Google Keyword Planner.

Keep your content fresh - Your website won't reach its SEO objectives without high-quality content. You'll need content that includes the keywords you've carefully researched, as well as to build backlinks for your site. But just having content isn't enough. Visitors expect new and updated content to help them make decisions right away. Plus, search bots are always crawling the web to add new pages to their search databases (a process called indexing). The more helpful your content, the more likely people are to share it. The more shares you get, the more search engines will view your site as important, and your search rankings will improve.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly - People are spending more time on their mobile devices, and mobile optimization ensures that your site's design, structure, and speed are mobile- friendly. Google also follows a mobile-first indexing approach, meaning the mobile version of your content is primarily used for indexing and ranking. So, for the best results, optimize your site for mobile.

Content marketing

Bombarding existing and potential customers with "buy" messages when they're not ready is a major marketing mistake. It will make them avoid you and spread negative word of mouth, damaging your reputation. Content marketing, on the other hand, focuses on creating valuable content to attract a specific market segment and drive profitable actions for your company.

Tips for content marketing

Building a successful content marketing strategy requires patience and dedication. Establishing credibility and trust doesn't happen overnight. By consistently delivering valuable and engaging content, you can position yourself as an industry expert. Utilize your content to connect with potential leads and existing customers, address their needs, and build a relationship based on trust and reliability. This way, when the time comes for them to make a purchase, your brand will be the first one that comes to mind.

Content marketing is not a standalone marketing distribution strategy. It influences other marketing types. Therefore, it needs to be incorporated into your comprehensive small business marketing strategy and utilized alongside other digital marketing channels. For instance, for SEO to be effective, you need top-notch content that includes your keywords. Gated content, which requires readers to provide their email address for access, helps with lead generation, while social media marketing broadens the reach of high-quality content.

Email marketing

Market research indicates that the global number of email users is projected to surpass 4.3 billion by the end of 2023. This seems quite plausible, doesn't it? How many individuals do you know who don't have an email address? It's likely a small number, given the widespread adoption of email. Email marketing is an effective way to connect with individuals who have shown interest in your product, service, website, or brand. It allows for the cultivation of relationships with both current and potential customers, making it a valuable tool for brand development, customer communication, and targeted marketing efforts.

Tips for Email marketing

Create your own lists. Obtaining consent is crucial for the success of email marketing. Some countries even mandate that subscribers explicitly agree to receive email marketing communications from companies. This is the best way to ensure that your subscribers are genuinely interested in receiving newsletters or promotional content from your brand. Be cautious before buying pre-made email lists from questionable sources. You definitely don't want to be labeled as a spammer. Apart from the harm to your reputation, you could also face restrictions on sending emails.

Craft unique campaigns and messages. Avoid sending generic messages to individuals on your mailing lists. This will only lead to higher unsubscribe rates. Instead, maintain clean lists by regularly "scrubbing" them. Segment your lists effectively to determine the appropriate types of emails to send to each segment. Personalization is key in account-based marketing.


You have various options available to reach your intensive distribution objectives. While there are more channels out there, remember that you don't need to utilize every single marketing channel possible to succeed. In reality, trying to do so will likely lead to failure. It's better to assess the effectiveness of each current channel and make adjustments accordingly. Ultimately, focus on retaining only the channels that yield the best return on investment. Contact us for more information


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